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Kick Asphalt.
Disrupting the Shoe Game with Amberjack Shoes
For years working with big companies like Cole Haan, Allen Edmonds, and Adidas, Amberjack got got frustrated by how bleak the landscape of dress shoes had become. They recognized that work is changing, technology is advancing, and yet the dress shoes we all were told to wear- were as outdated as cassette tapes. Amberjack knew they wanted to create something new- so they did and boy, are they jump over a couch worthy…
Pursue Dress Shirt Comfort with State and Liberty
Guys we have a problem. Well, a shirt issue if we are getting specific. As many of us know, grabbing an off-the-rack dress shirt that is made for the masses doesn’t always fit right. Then those “Slim Fit” dress shirts are way too tight for anyone with an athletic upper body. Grabbing a “Standard Fit” shirt feels like you are wearing a bulky box around are the waist. That is why State and Liberty decided to do something about it. Their crew spent years researching hundreds of athletic body types to develop the perfect Athletic Fit Dress Shirt.
Better with Buttercloth: Shirts Smooth AF.
Shirts have never felt so smooth: The days of shopping for a nice dress shirt at Target to wear on date night, guys night out, or vacation are dead. The days of smooth AF, feels like nothing you’ve ever worn, comfortable beyond belief are alive. Buttercloth shirts are extraordinarily soft- and they feel like you're wearing your favorite t-shirt, and look like sophisticated casual dress shirts.