Disney Plus Streaming Review
Disney Does it Again.
One thing we know is true about the Disney brand: they know how to get people hooked. No other brand we know can charge over $100 for park entry and people will skip their water bill payment to go see that iconic mouse. It’s bananas. But just like anything Disney ventures into, their new Disney Plus streaming service has arrived and it’s upholding the Disney brand’s grip on all mankind.
Our crew doesn’t just test out cool gear or apparel finds- we are also consumers of all things digital as well which is why we had to get our hands on this new streaming app to see what the hype is about and if it will last. While we can’t predict the future, we can make some rather opinionated guesses on what is good and what needs room for improvement on a streaming app.
Our crew dove into the Disney Plus streaming channel on day go to give it a go. What happened? We tell ya in our review below.
When we initially signed up it was in advance of launch day. A simple walk through menu gathered the needed information to create a one week free trial to then move ahead and charge us if we don’t cancel- so far pretty standard for a streaming service. Username and password submitted and done. We’re ready to go.
photo from disneyplus.com
Game day. Or shall we say “stream day.” Yes, we literally sat around for an entire day and played with the channel. When we first downloaded the channel and opened it up, it had some minor glitches. The login screen didn’t load, the username and password was glitchy and once it accepted our credentials it took us to Disney’s version of the “blue screen of death.” We shut it down and re-launched the app and it worked after that each time.
Once inside the channel we found what resembled the Netflix user interface. Our initial thought was “oh it’s Netflix for Disney.” The leftside bar was the main navigation and the images of what you could stream were organized much like Netflix. While familiar we thought Disney would have went with something different. Something like Tinker Bell hovering over the screen or even Mickey encouraging is to explore the Magic. We then recognized Disney was more mature than that and went with a more clean look. Better call than what we would have done.
The initial look, layout, flow of the navigation seemed to be clean, well laid out and a good start to the Disney streaming experience.
Our initial duuude impression: let’s take this for a spin and really see what she can do!
Ok so now the big test. Let’s mess with this thing and see what happens. First we started searching for shows. The search function seems to really populate relevant search queries and suggestions. It offers things in the wheelhouse of what you are trying to explore. The navigation is simple, descriptions of what the show or movie is about is clear. The navigation by far is a well laid out process and guide.
Next we looked at the navigation in and out of selections. Here is where a minor update would be helpful. In order to get out of all the rabbit holes back to the start you need to hit additional buttons aside from “back” like you would on more popular streaming channels. This took a second to get used to but we will get over it. In addition when starting a movie and then pausing to watch later, you can’t find a “recently watched” tab to easily start that selection back up. You (for now) have to go find it again and then open it to then resume watching. A minor update must be on the way to fix this because it’s not going to fly long term.
Last for the review we looked at overall quality in initial launch content. We must say we were impressed. The vast range of Disney classics and new Disney Plus exclusives had us fully engaged with the channel. From the behind the scenes documentaries on the “Imagineers” and the new release of Lady and the Tramp, Disney has their first day launch bases covered.
The test was fun, with some minor tweaks needed- such as screens that say there is content but nothing shows to the “verify account page” that won’t go away no matter how many dang times you do it. These minor glitches soon will be a thing of the past and the Disney Plus channel will be here to last!
While the app still has some tweaks to work out and some areas of solid footing already in place there were some standout features:
Search function for content actually works
The price point (right now) is phenomenal considering all you get content wise
The navigation is simple and crisp
The display quality is ultra high definition and 4K for most of the content
The content for app users only is really going to set Disney up for success
Also, the Disney Plus channel gives you stuff to talk about at the water cooler (who does this?) aside from the other streaming channels you already geek out over.
Disney Plus Overall duuude Factor: take MORE of our money already! Just. Take. It.
Price: as low as $5.83/month