Don’t Travel without These Essentials from OffGrid
Travel Safe in 2023
We all carry some form of device every day—our phones, our wallets, our keys, and even our backpacks. With each device comes the need for a certain level of protection from cyber threats-more so now than any other time in the world. In the past, cybersecurity was reserved exclusively for elite military and police forces- but as we travel more as a society, we too need safe and secure options. OffGrid products now provide protective technology that is accessible to everyone.
OffGrid offers premium cyber security solutions in the form of wallets and backpacks that feature secure RFID lining, tamper-proof zippers, device signal blocking technology, and a unique protection system. Their products are designed to protect your most important assets by keeping unwanted intruders out while allowing you access to your information quickly and easily. Each product in their lineup brings an added layer of security that ensures safety wherever you roam. Our crew grabbed a few of their products to test as we travelled this year- and we strongly recommend looking into these when traveling in 2023.
How often do you think about your cell phone, your laptop, your credit cards being hacked? Many of us think as long as we stay off public WiFi we should be good. Well, while that is a legit start- it doesn’t cover the entire security protection to ensure your information stays YOURS.
Security for all situations
At OffGrid, they do things differently. They give anyone the chance to hop off the grid and avoid being hacked, tracked, or any other “-ked” you can think of. With their security protective bags, wallets, and sleeves, you can protect your devices from RFID, FM Radio, GPS, Cell, Bluetooth and Wifi signals. Just by sliding your device into the bag. No passcodes, device hacks, or steps.
Complete cybersecurity for everyone.
Everyday. Everywhere.
OffGrid prides themselves on a unique approach to security for all, with a focus on providing backpacks, bags, wallets, and sleeves to keep your devices safe.
Height: 22.5 Inches
Length: 16 Inches
Width: 7 Inches
Volume: 22.5 Liters
Weight: 5.6 Lbs
Price: $299 on OffGrid ***code DUUUDE 10% OFF
Carry with Ease [of mind].
The OffGrid Backpack brings device shielding to the next level. Each pack includes a built-in Cell Phone, Key Fob, Tablet, and Laptop Faraday bag constructed with our proprietary multi-layer shielding system and premium Faraday fabric.
You'll also find multiple standard backpack compartments to hold everything you need when you're on the move - a large compartment that will fit 2-3 nights of clothes, quick-access side pockets, a hardshell case for sunglasses, and hidden pockets behind the cell phone and tablet pockets for notebooks and other travel items.
The sleek, minimalist design of the OffGrid backpack makes it discreet and easily transportable for day-to-day use in outdoor and urban environments.
OffGrid Switch Wallet
Length: 4.5 Inches
Width: 4 Inches
Thickness: 1/2 Inch
Lenght: 8 Inches
Width: 4.5 Inches
Thickness: 1/8 Inch
Price: $120 on OffGrid ***code DUUUDE 10% OFF
OffGrid Switch transforms from a wallet to a high-security mobile phone case cutting off all Cell, Bluetooth, GPS, and Wifi signals putting you in electronic stealth mode. Anything put in the wallet can’t be tracked, hacked, surveilled, or identified. The sleek low profile wallet holds cash, cards, and ID while protecting you from RFID skimming attacks using 360-degree metal lined pockets and panels. Flip open and slide your phone into the faraday cage pocket for full RF shielding. It’s time to elevate the digital security of your wallet with the OffGrid Switch.
Our Initial crew Impression: Great functionality and design concepts
Our crew had a brilliant idea (at least to us it was)- Let’s load up our stuff in the backpack and wallet, head to the airport for a trip, and see if it really does block out the signals. We just so happened to be heading out of town for the holiday (pre-rush) so this was perfect.
The Faraday bags have multilayers of fabric and an exterior layer of protection against water and humidity that protects the devices within the bag and extend its useful life. Faraday bags block signals but not sound. So when our crew put the phones in, and set alarms or used Siri they were activated by voice but they were not be able to search or deliver information nor make calls. We tried to “track my iphone” but when in the bag, the signal went dead. No location available. We did not do anything different to the phone, just stopped in the bag as is…and signal was wiped out. We called the phone too…
The phone did not ring, and the call went straight to voicemail. Per our crew who called it also did not ring, just straight to voicemail when calling. But how does it work? OffGrid Faraday bags act as a shield against incoming and outgoing RF signals by conducting RF signals around electronic devices rather than allowing the signals to penetrate the bag. Each OffGrid bag is fabricated with multiple layers of conductive Faraday material as well as protective layers. For usability, the bags are designed with a convenient to use but secure closure. OffGrid bags isolate your electronic devices from GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth, 5G, RFID, and all other wireless signal technologies.
We tested the wallet as well, and you can even slide your phone inside when expanded. Same experience as the bag- no calls when called, and no signal penetration. The wallet easily folds up to store cash, credit cards, and even key fobs if needed.
The OffGrid bag and wallet were perfect for travel too as they both were lightweight, easy to use, and the backpack had more storage options than any other bag of it’s kind. Front pouches, side, interior storage- we could easily use this one bag for all our travel needs on a short trip.
OffGrid products secure your privacy and data by isolating digital devices from RF signals so you can’t be tracked, hacked, surveilled or identified. OffGrid products are made with high quality materials and advanced fabrication technology to maximize protection. Their products are lightweight and convenient to use; yet provide military grade protection that is trusted by the US military, law enforcement, forensic labs, and government agencies.
Protection for all your devices and electronics
Easily prevent hacking on those devices as you roam- no need for extra passcodes, steps, or devices
Lightweight design helps you not only carry with peace of mind- but ease of back as well
Trusted protection from military- now you too can have the same tech
Durable and long-lasting construction in the designs of each item
OffGrid Overall duuude Factor: By far the safest bag to travel with!
Price: Varies by Gear ***duuude readers take 10% OFF with code: DUUUDE
Complete cybersecurity for everyone. Everyday. Everywhere.
“We believe that every device, from the smallest key fob to the most extensive police equipment, deserves equal protection. Our products are created to grant peace of mind when it comes to personal and professional data. This assurance of data protection empowers the use of devices freely and with the confidence that online presence is safe from unwanted intrusion.”
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