

Have a Face?

Put Duke Cannon on it.

grooming duuude crew grooming duuude crew

Leave Your Odor on the Field with OffCourt

Do your pits smell after a workout? Do you find your odor game is stronger than your performance game? We get it- ridding your pits, chest, and general “aura” of stank after a workout, a run, a pickup game, or bouncing to and from the office can be a daunting task. But, with the new multi-functional Performance Body Spray by Off Court- you may be able to leave the stank on the field, and not bring it home with you.

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grooming duuude crew grooming duuude crew

Carpe Diem with Carpe Antiperspirants

Ok, your feet sweat, BIG DEAL. So your pits look more like a slip n’ slide than a forest. And big-ole whopping who gives a rip your in-laws are coming to town and you were supposed to go golfing with the crew- don’t sweat. Literally. While for some people sweat ain’t a bad thing (or even a thing), for others, sweat can ruin any day or moment. That’s why the crew over at Carpe came out with the product line that dries up sweat like our bank accounts after tax season.

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