Is Broc Shot Legit? Our Gut Has Some Thoughts.

Shots of Broccoli, anyone?

When you are in your 20’s, people might buy you a shot at the bar. When you are in your 30’s, you now consider a new kind of shot- a Broc Shot. Broc Shot is a supplement that aims to boost energy and focus through a blend of natural ingredients. Well, really it is one main ingredient (spolier alert it is Broccoli). But this ain’t your mama’s steamed greens. This is a shot of broccoli sprouts, without the use of synthetics ever, which is believed to be rich in sulforaphane, a compound associated with potential health benefits. Our crew wanted to investigate this trending product, Broc Shot and their claims of boosting energy and focus, thanks to its secret ingredient, broccoli sprouts extract. Naturally we asked ourselves - is Broc Shot legit? Our curious crew put it to the test, and the results were surprising. Join us as we unveil our experiences and delve into the science behind this intriguing supplement. Get ready to be amazed!

No fussy formula

Just One Powerful Ingredient

Broc Shot features 15mg of Sulforaphane from 100% whole broccoli sprouts. No extracts, seeds or stabilized sulforaphane.

Sulforaphane is


Combats + reduces inflammation


Rids the body of damaging free radicals + toxic byproducts


Stabilizes + normalizes the gut


Our crew got our hands on some of Broc Shot’s lineup for a review. Lets get to some shots, shall we?


Initial impressions of Broc Shot might vary depending on individual preferences and expectations. For our crew- we first wanted to look into Broc Shot and some key focus areas- From the novelty of the idea to how does this taste? Some focus areas out crew looked into:

  1. Novelty: Broc Shot's use of broccoli sprouts extract as a key ingredient sparked our curiosity due to the unique nature of the supplement.

  2. Potential health benefits: Our crew was interested in trying Broc Shot because of the potential health benefits associated with sulforaphane, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  3. Supplement format: The powder to liquid form might be convenient for some individuals who prefer an alternative to traditional supplement pills or capsules.

  4. Taste and texture: If consumed as a liquid, the taste and texture of Broc Shot might be a consideration for the crew, as personal preferences can vary.

As we investigated our own initial impressions of the Broc Shot, we found other users often too wanted to know a few things about the supplements, such as:

  • Some of the reported benefits of Broc Shot may include:

    Antioxidant properties: Sulforaphane is known to have powerful antioxidant effects, which can help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body.

    Anti-inflammatory effects: Sulforaphane may have anti-inflammatory properties that can help support the body's immune response and reduce inflammation.

    Detoxification support: Sulforaphane is thought to aid in the activation of detoxification enzymes in the body, potentially assisting in the elimination of harmful substances.

    Cognitive function: Some studies suggest that sulforaphane may have neuroprotective properties and could potentially support cognitive function and brain health.

    Cardiovascular health: BrocShot's sulforaphane content may have a positive impact on heart health by promoting healthy blood vessels and reducing the risk of certain cardiovascular conditions.

    Skin health: The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of sulforaphane may also benefit skin health by protecting against UV damage and supporting skin's natural defenses.

  • Here are some general steps for taking Broc Shot:

    Shake well: Rip open the packet, pour into a small shot size glass, shake well before use to ensure the ingredients are properly mixed.

    Take with or without food: Depending on the product's instructions, you may be instructed to take BrocShot with or without food. Follow the recommendations accordingly.

    Mix or consume directly: Mix the powder directly with waster when you are ready to drink it.

  • In most cases, these types of supplements should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and excessive heat.

    When ready to drink, mix packet with water and consume. It is not reccomended to pre-mix and store.

But the biggest question of them all: Is Broc Shot Legit?

Read on young grasshopper….



Testing out Broc Shot really could not be more simple- grab the Broc Shot shot glass (or any shot glass), tear open the premeasured packets, then mix with water- shoot ‘er down and that is all there is to it.

Broc Shot has a few different flavors to try and each come with a little different taste than the other. We started off with the OG starter kit-

Original Starter Kit

A single shot of Broccoli Sprouts with 15mg of Sulforaphane to improve your beauty, body and brain.


- 30 individual sachet servings of BROC SHOT
- Free stainless steel shaker for a perfectly dosed daily shot

Helps with:

  • Improved bowel habits

  • Improved skin 

  • Clearer looking skin

  • Focus

  • Memory 

  • Improved sleep quality

Within the first days of regular use, sulforaphane is known for activating specific cellular repair pathways that help your body to heal damage within the gut lining and helps restore the conditions required for the growth of healthy gut bacteria. These important changes can contribute to improved regularity and digestive effects occurring within the first week of use. When our crew first tasted the Original Blend, it was quite different than that first sip of coffee we will say that, but over time the taste became more and more normal to the point where it was just part of the routine.

Ginger + Lime Starter Kit

We then tried the Ginger and Lime which you guessed it contains the same single shot of Broccoli Sprouts with 15mg of Sulforaphane.

Like most reviews, there are questions- ones like:

FAQ: What should I expect in my first week?

Per BrocShot: “Improved bowel regularity is usually the first sign that BROC SHOT is beginning to work. You’ll probably notice your regularity improve after only a few days, but as your gut adjusts, there’s a small chance that you may experience some mild gassiness and increased urges to go. These effects are similar to what you'd experience from a pre or probiotic and typically subside within 2-3 days.”

For our review, we noticed not so much bowel issues- although things did seems to be more consistent and, well, stinky- but a good stinky. We did not get much of the gassiness but we did find that our guts were a bit more on our minds if that makes sense. Some urge to go, but for the most part smooth sailing. We then moved on to trying the Pineapple and Mint!

FAQ: What should I do to get the best results?

Per BrocShot: “With BROC SHOT, consistency is key. We guarantee results, although missed days can mean diminished benefits – or benefits over a longer period of time. Always listen to your body. On the off chance that you notice any initial gassines or bowel movement effects that are too intense for your comfort, feel free to cut your daily dose in half for several days as your body makes the adjustment. Our sachet packaging allows you to easily use as much BROC SHOT as you’d like while saving the rest for the next day. If you have allergies or sensitivities to broccoli, broccoli sprouts, or sulfur, you should avoid sulforaphane products unless cleared by your doctor.”

We found that if we were consistent, we had stronger gains. If we missed a day, it seemed to need a jump start again- but not too noticable. We tried all flavors and found that that the Pineapple + Mint was by far our favorite go to for the punch of flavor- but all work the same. The nice thing too is we did not change much else- we kept eating what we liked, drinking what we wanted, and did not see any noticable side-effects!

Broc Shot Takeaway:

After extensively testing Broc Shot for several days we did notice some interesting things happening- first off our poop smelled different but like a healthy different. Skin felt smoother and not as dry, and overall we felt balanced. With the demands of the day, the exercise routines, the work load, the “life stuff” that hits us all as men, the Broc Shot morning routine didn’t hurt in helping to tackle the day.

With each day, the shot tasted better and better and what started out as a interesting flavor punch turned into a welcomed way to start the day. We felt just overall better and more balanced.

If you're seeking natural alternatives to enhance your well-being, mix up the supplement headache of complicated mixes and steps, and try something that packs nutrients in a simple shot glass size, we recommend exploring Broc Shot’s range of products. Whether you're looking to address stress, aid recovery, or nourish your skin, Broc Shot the perfect solution to unlock the power of natural healing. ***as always consult your doctor before starting any supplement regiment.


Broc Shot boasts several standout features that set it apart from other supplements:

  • Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprouts Extract: BrocShot's key ingredient is a concentrated broccoli sprouts extract, which is naturally high in sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is a potent bioactive compound known for its potential health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Convenient and Easy-to-Use: Broc Shot is a hassle-free addition to daily routines. Its compact packaging allows for on-the-go use, ensuring that users can take it with them wherever they need an energy and focus boost.

  • Potential Cognitive Support: Some users have reported enhanced mental clarity and improved cognitive function while using Broc Shot regularly. This makes it an appealing choice for individuals seeking cognitive support to stay focused and productive throughout the day.

  • Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Broc Shot's sulforaphane content provides powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, potentially supporting overall well-being and promoting a healthy immune response.

  • Transparency and Quality Assurance: Reputable brands ensure transparency in their product labeling, ingredient sourcing, and manufacturing practices. High-quality products like Broc Shot often undergo third-party testing to verify purity and potency.

    It's important to note that while these standout features make Broc Shot intriguing, individual responses to supplements can vary. As with any dietary supplement, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it's suitable for one's specific health needs and conditions. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle remains crucial for overall well-being.

Overall duuude Takeaway: Broc Shot is The Sh$t!- In the Best Way.




Why is BROC SHOT Superior?

We launched BROC SHOT because we couldn’t find good sources of sulforaphane. Most were extracts without sulforaphane or were synthetic (aka stabilized). We take a number of steps to ensure that each dose of BROC SHOT provides a consistent yield of no less than 15mg of sulforaphane (SFN).

Learn more about BrocShot and the Amazing Benefits of their daily shots!


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