KORE Garrison Belts- Strong Belts make for Epic Adventures

Do you have a legit belt? Like one that can hold anything, one that can handle anything, and one that doesn’t spare any expense in making sure it's one of the coolest waist huggers around? Belts have come a long way and are more than just meant for fashion or “business casual” work attire. Belts can be made for the elements, hiking, camping, carrying a boat-load of gear wherever you go. Belts can be as tough as nails, and the crew at KORE Essentials have developed one worth taking note of in the “put it to the test” category.

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Our crew is always on the hunt for gear that we can take out and put to the test. From hiking to backpacking, even working in the yard, a sturdy belt that can hold its weight is an every-man need. When we connected with the crew at KORE, and were shown their new Garrison 1.75” belt, we knew we wanted to get our hands (and waists?) on it. We wanted to try the belt that is used by law enforcement personnel, first responders and civilians (like us) who like to brave the outdoors and elements. With load-bearing strength without the weight and bulk of a typical police duty belt, we wanted to give the belt a test drive on an epic adventure. Our crew threw on a belt, hit the road, and tested the Garrison for all it was worth. 



When our crew initially received the KORE Garrison 1.75” belt, the sheer feel of the coiled up belt out of the box was a hit. In the box we found a G1 Style Garrison Buckle & Garrison 1.75" Black Tactical Reinforced Belt, along with (1) belt keeper and a hex wrench & screw set (for custom fitting).  The black on black belt and buckle was simply dope. The weight, feel, and smoothness of the belt was one that we have not seen (or felt) before. Something else we were instantly impressed with was the zero belt holes. Yes, you read that right- No belt holes on this bad boy. Instead, the belt featured a hidden track in the back, with up to 40+ sizing points (we test this out later), giving an adjustment of ¼” at a time. 

Once out of the box, our crew read the instructions on how to custom size our waists and began the sizing process. The instructions were clear as a bright sunny day, and the time it took to cut, clip, and fasten the belt to the buckle was literally less than a minute. The large teeth clamp & 2 set screws with hex wrench system to fasten the buckle to the belt strengthened our confidence in the durability of this nylon web outer composition and super-fiber inner Power-Core™ center belt design. 

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Right out of the box, this belt was something we couldn't wait to hit the road with. 

Initial duuude crew impression: Most durable belt we have ever tried on



crew member to wear for the “wear test” and then used the belt for the other tests throughout our outing. With the news of things around us shutting down for COVID-19 precautions, our crew did what anyone in our position would do: we went camping. Staying under 10 people, and no cougher’s allowed, our crew headed out for a camping trip- belt in tow. Our crew decided to test the belt in 3 main ways: Wear-Test, General Gear-Use Test, and Random-Stuff Test.


Wear Test

For the wear test we literally just wore it around our waste and moved around like we had ants in our pants. We tested the ease-ability of the tightening and loosing of the ratchet belt system. After over 25 back to back repetitive tighten/loosen activities on the belt, the ratchet system remained like brand new. The buckle is easy to manipulate yet still offers support when tightened. We have read that some other users fear that a belt this easy to loosen would somehow loosen itself if you turn your torso too much- that’s not accurate. The belt is sturdy, yet flexible and the belt stays in the exact ratchet spot your heart desires.

Wear Test Result- Fit like a Glove!

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Gear Use Test

For the gear test we loaded the belt up with some gear to see how the weight was distributed and handled. The Nylon Webb Tactical belt (the version we tested) is rated to 500 lbs and the super-fiber inner does give durability that we hoped. For the test we loaded up the belt with a multi tool, compass carry bag, a hip-belt carry bag full of snacks/hydration essentials, a water pouch, and a cell phone Velcro holster. We took on a 5 mile hike with topical incline and good amounts of descents as well. From the intial start of the hike, the ratchet system secured the belt to our waist with a secure fit and flexibility of movement with the loaded gear. After about 2 miles in we noted the belt did not listen and the gear was in place. After hitting mile 3, we stopped and re-adjusted the gear in differing positions. Resuming the hike, there was no shift in location of gear and belt stayed firm against the body. No loosening or giving with various weights loaded up into the pouches. At the conclusion of the hike, the gear was where it started and the belt didn’t shift. 

Gear Use Test Result: No shift here!


Random Stuff Test

Ok this was the most fun test we did- random stuff test. What’s a random stuff test? Well, it’s when you take a Garrison Belt, and use it to hang your supplies around a tree to see how much weight it can hold. Like things such as a campsite lantern, a portable speaker, even a carry bag tote full of our gear. We just slid the belt through the handles and cinched it around the tree branch! We then used it around the top rack of the car to secure a peice of luggage. Tossed the duffel bag on the carry rack, and wrapped the belt around to securely tighten. A 2 hour drive home and the bag didn’t move. We’d say that was a win. We’d be lying if we said we didn’t get into shenanigans like using the belt to swing from on a tree branch extended over the creek to try and see who could swing across to the other side without getting wet. After all the random stuff we threw at the belt it handled it- even when it didn’t have to.

Random Stuff Test Result: Took it like a Champ

While some of our tests were more traditional than other things we tried, this belt did not disappoint.



The Garrison Nylon Belt is in a class all its own, but our crew thought there were some elements to make it truly unique-

  • The belt can handle and support small to full-size firearms (if you use for duty or leisure) plus gear- that’s up to 10 lbs. 

  • 800% more adjustable belt than a traditional belt- this really adjusts to your body as you move throughout the day

  • Power-Core™ center (Rated to 500 lbs.) gives support in ways we can’t really even explain. Trust science- not our math

  • The multi-uses for the belt far exceeded what we thought we could do with it. Hikers to bikers to Officers and Outdoorsy folks. 



Who doesn’t like bonus stuff? Well, here are some added things we noted with these belts:

  • KORE offers a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee & 1-Year Warranty with Patented technology

  • Garrison Belts are 1.75" wide and One-Size to fit any waist from 24” up to 54" (that’s a lot of waist size options)

  • Belt includes matching Velcro Belt Keeper to keep the tip of your belt secure against your waist


KORE Garrison Belt Overall duuude Factor: Best nylon carry belt we have ever tested

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Price: $69.95



To learn more about KORE Essentials and all the stuff they offer guys in everyday carry and beyond, head over and see what they have in stock! 


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