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The travel-ready APEX EXPLORE backpack by COTS
Admit it…you’ve undoubtedly experienced the “analysis paralyses” that every shopper feels at some point. Velcro or zippers? Slate gray, cement gray or charcoal gray? Expensive name brand or budget-friendly generic? The modern industrial world has left consumers with a dizzying array of product permutations that rarely benefit anyone. Does anyone actually want to pick between a dozen options for a can of corn or laundry detergent? (Answer: only weirdos)
TRMNL Travel Bundle
Do you travel? Yeah you do, you traveling traveler, you! But how do you travel? Do you find what whatever duffel or bag is laying around, shove all your stuff inside like your stuffing a turkey, then ferociously unpack your luggage like your searching for that important paperwork in the desk drawer as if you are in a murder mystery movie? Yeah- we know you. But, with TRMNL there is a better, more organized, and smoother way to travel.
MIS Calif 3-Way Brief Bag
Our crew likes to head out whether for the day or the weekend, so we are always looking for a legit bag to do it all. We wanted to try out the Brief Bag to see how versatile and rigged this simple concept was for everyday use. With a brand that produces all their gear in a factory specializing in manufacturing military goods, we wanted to try out the line of certified Mil-Spec (Military Specification) gear and see how this simple yet sturdy brand helps get it done.
Knack Bags: Versatile Carry Solution for All
Knack, Knack, Who’s there?- Only the most versatile backpack this side of Earth. Lame intro (we know), but jokes aside the Knack Bags #onebaglife motto is serious business. Look- we all want a legit everyday backpack to haul our gear, from laptops to carry-on essentials but rarely do we find one that features it all. The crew at Knack Bags figured it out and developed one cool addition to the everyday carry game.
Carry Anywhere with Wayfinder
The wallets, passport holders, card holders, and field note creations from Wayfinder are simply outstanding. Our crew wanted to explore the lineup of minimally designed, travel ready, everyday carry options so we grabbed the Flux Cardholder, BORDERLESS Passport Holder, DAYBREAKER Billfold Wallet, and LETS GO notebook for the ultimate duuude review!
Grim Workshop: Grim Tool Systems Review
The team over at Grim Workshop has been tackling the ultimate challenge of creating legit every day carry tools that are easy to carry yet practical. They single handedly have created a brand that infuses quality and innovation with their unique approach to tools for pretty much any type of outdoor (and indoor) activity that relies on tools to get it done.