5 Best Coffee Grinders under $25

Coffee is our life source. When getting ready to grind up some killer coffee beans, a top notch grinder is a must have. Not many people think about how much a grinder can make a difference in the brew they plan on preparing. With hundreds of grinders on the market how do you choose? We took the on the challenges of finding the top 5 and came up with our list of coffee grinders on the market right now- all under $25.

#5. Wheroamoz Manual Coffee Grinder


Durability and performance are just two reasons we appreciate the Wheroamoz Manual Coffee Grinder. Oh we forgot- this has some cool applications for travel as well. It’s easy to use, sleek looking and has good overall value for the price point. The burr grinder breaks coffee down into evenly-sized particles to ensure an even extraction. Its grind function produces consistent results, and It has different grind settings for every brew method, even Turkish and espresso. Whether you’re backpacking, vacationing, or taking a business trip, Wheroamoz hand coffee grinder lets you take your coffee with you wherever you go! Duuude we sure like that!

It’s super easy to disassemble and reassemble. Simply throw your beans into the hopper, set your grind setting and turn the handle. If you like to go camping or travel this grinder surely can help tackle that!

Price Point: $22.97

#4. Mueller Austria HyperGrind Precision Electric Coffee Grinder Mill


Bueller?...Bueller?....oh wait- it's M-ueller! Our bad. The Mueller HyperGrind Precision Electric Grinder is our number two duuude find for coffee grinders. This electric grinder lets you freshly grind your coffee beans and various spices without losing flavor. Grind whole beans quickly and efficiently with a powerful coffee grinder such as this. This little compact grinder gives brewing your coffee one the freshest ground beans around. It will provide a rich aroma and full-bodied flavor for better tasting coffee. In addition to coffee beans, the versatile grinder can be used for chopping or grinding nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. With its modern Eurocentric design, the Mueller HyperGrind Precision coffee grinder makes a welcome addition to any kitchen.

Price point: $19.97

#3. Mueller Austria Manual Coffee Grinder

Mueller Austria Manual Coffee Grinder

Coffee tastes best when the grind game is strong. With the Mueller Manual grinder it really takes the coffee cake. See what we did there? Anyhow, grind size has everything to do with how your coffee tastes, so choosing the right grinder is the first, and most important step in the brewing process. If you are not satisfied with “Good” or “OK” coffee, then the Mueller Ultra-Grind is for you. This manual grinder gives you the range to pick the grind coarseness which give you variety in the type of brew you want to prepare. Not as solid as some of the other grinders on the market but it by far surpasses others that do not have such a crowd backing like this one does.

Price Point: $16.97

#2. KitchenAid BCG111OB Blade Coffee Grinder

KitchenAid BCG111OB Blade Coffee Grinder

KitchenAid has been around longer than we can even recall. This grinder is one of our favorites because the markings on the inside of the stainless steel bowl indicate suitable bean levels for 4, 8, 10 or 12 cups of brewed coffee, and the clear top cover slides on for one-touch operation. It can handed enough grind in one swoop to give 12 cups of coffee worth of beans. Don’t drink that all at once though. The bowl lifts out, making it easy to transfer grinds to the coffee maker. We diggin it for sure KitchenAid.

Price Point: $19.96

#1. JavaPresse Manual Coffee Grinder with Conical Burr Mill, Brushed Stainless Steel

JavaPresse Manual Coffee Grinder with Conical Burr Mill, Brushed Stainless Steel

Our first pick is the JavaPresse Manual grinder. With a built in, adjustable grind selector with over 18 click settings, you can control the coarseness of your Pour Over, Drip, Chemex, Cold Brew, French Press, Percolator, AeroPress, Turkish, Espresso, Keurig K Cup, Herb, or Spice grinds. 

With no batteries or power cords to plug in, this grinder lets you use from home, camping, traveling to the edges of the globe, or even in bed (not that we recommend that). 

This grinder is not only cheap to use its quiet as a gentle breeze. Crafted with the same essence as traditional Japanese cookware, the patent-pending ceramic combo burrs are design tested through three professional grade inspections to last 5x's longer than stainless steel blades.

Price point: $23.99

That concludes our top 5 coffee bean grinders you can find online right now- all for under $25 each. 


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