Bug-A-Salt 2.0

Say Bye to Bugs with Bug-A-Salt 2.0 from Skell


Ok we were hesitant to list the Bug-A-Salt but after ordering this and having fun shooting pesky flies out of my in mid-air we were hooked. We had the ultimate duuude moment when we would nab one mid flight or shoot one down as they swarmed by our food. For so long these flies would ravage our backyard BBQ and we had enough. Anyone else try every possible fly trap, citronella candle, and lemon water mix before feeling like you were grilling to feed these flying worms instead of your crew? Nonetheless we nabbed one of these off Amazon and have been geeking out ever since.

Now down to the product skinny:

Manufactured by Skell Inc., the Bug A Salt shoots a shotgun spray of regular table salt and decimates flies on contact. This model is recommended for soft-bodied insects like common houseflies, mosquitos, pestilent/poisonous spiders, small to medium-sized roaches, and moths.

How it works:

Table salt is loaded into the hopper. You cock the gun by sliding the handle towards you. This will engage the pop-up sight (indicating it’s ready to fire). Slide the handle all the way forward, release the safety - and you are ready to get nuts. Ordinary table salt works best, sea salt tends to be too moist, and kosher salt is often too large to fit inside the barrel. 

Amazon’s Listed Features & Details:

  • Non Toxic, Shoots Ordinary Table Salt

  • Only Shoots a Pinch of Salt, Accurate within Three Feet.

  • No Batteries Required, Pop-up Sight Indicator

Whether a grown man or not, this salt shooter is a sure fire hit with us. It is fun for backyard BBQ’s as well- just toss your buddy the gun and have them help rid your yard of flies and other pesky little critters.


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