Kick Dull Knives Out.
Cold Water Benefits: Take the Plunge and Revitalize your Health!
The plunge takes the benefits of cold water “plunges”, “dives”, “therapies” and delivers them right to your door for home health plunges, in water as cold as 39 degrees.
Bro Journal: A Journal Worth Taking Note
New Years Resolution to “explore yourself more”, or “Feel my feelings more”…get outta here with the resolution talk- and get into the taking each day at a time approach. Gratitude and mindfulness kinda go hand in hand, no? Saying thanks for the little things and living in the moment, can improve any duuudes’ mental health while also developing as a man or bro- resolutions or not. The team at The Bro Journal understands this and has whipped up a gratitude and mindfulness journal that will guide you to improve every aspect of your life- no matter what day, week, or year.