
Be “Up” in 15.
Tackle Desk-All-Day Discomfort with a Lairlux Massage Gun
Loosen up those knots would ya? We have reviewed plenty of massage guns. No joke, it is something we have so many of that each crew member has one on their desk at this point. But- we LOVE massage guns and we continue our quest to review every massage gun by taking a look at the Liarlux Message Gun. Lairlux EM03 is a lightweight, powerful, and multifunctional message gun that can hang with the rest of ‘em.
Massage Game-Changer: Achedaway Cupping
Achedaway, Keeps the Sore Muscles Away! We have reviewed plenty of massage guns. No joke, it is something we have so many of that each crew member has one on their desk at this point. But- we LOVE massage guns and now, we are feeling even better since we found Achedaway’s Percussion Massager and Cupper combination! Have you ever Cupped before?….we haven’t and are now never looking back.