

Have a Face?

Put Duke Cannon on it.

grooming duuude crew grooming duuude crew

Manscaping with Meridian

Oh hey, didn’t see you there. You sort of caught us in a very personal position- the classic trimmin’ the ole tree-trunk routine. Well, now that we are past that awkward introduction, lets dive into the reason why you are here: to find a better way to manscape. With more and more emphasis on a clean-shaving nether-region, the time has come to give this hygiene routine an upgrade.

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grooming duuude crew grooming duuude crew

Carpe Diem with Carpe Antiperspirants

Ok, your feet sweat, BIG DEAL. So your pits look more like a slip n’ slide than a forest. And big-ole whopping who gives a rip your in-laws are coming to town and you were supposed to go golfing with the crew- don’t sweat. Literally. While for some people sweat ain’t a bad thing (or even a thing), for others, sweat can ruin any day or moment. That’s why the crew over at Carpe came out with the product line that dries up sweat like our bank accounts after tax season.

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grooming duuude crew grooming duuude crew

Tame the Mane with Aberlite

Do you have a beard? Of course you do, cause who else would read a review of a beard magic wand designed to get that beast of a beard you are growing under control? If you are like us (fully bearded duuudes), you recognize the importance of your beard looking more like a well trimmed piece of art and less like a bird’s nest with random hairs sticking out all over the place. The longer your beard gets the more important taming that beast of glory gets. Aberlite Pro Beard Straightener can help tame the mane.

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