How to Cook a Steak to Perfection

Ready. Set. Cook.


We have tried serval various methods to cook steak over the years. After many good outcomes (and poor ones) we found the best method for cooking all cuts of steak to perfection. While you can modify any of the following steps to your preferred method, we suggest trying these steps to get your steaks perfectly juicy and evenly cooked every time.


-1.5-2” thick cuts of steak
-Dab of olive oil
-Cracked Pepper (to taste)
-Crushed Sea Salt (to taste)
-Cut of butter (one for each steak)


Step 1: Step one really starts with choosing your cut of meat. For this How to Guide, we went with the meat variety offered by Chicago Steak Company. We have done a review on their steaks in the past and if can read that review here. Of course, you can grab any meat you like, just be sure they are thick cuts with red color tints (no brown) and good marbling color throughout.

Step 2: Take the steaks out of the fridge and let them warm to room temperature or at least close enough to where they are no longer fridge temps (32 degrees is average fridge temperature). Flavor with freshly ground salt and pepper to taste.

Step 3: While the meat is thawing, we like to lightly oil our cast iron skillet with a dab of olive oil. A thin layer is enough.

Step 4: Preheat the grill to sear. Yes, we use the grill to initially sear our steaks. This prevents the popping of oil and water on the stovetop. You can place the skillet on the grill as it heats up. At the same time, fire up the oven to 450 degrees.

Step 5: Once grill is at about 500 degrees, place the meat into the skillet for intial searing. Leave on skillet for 5 minutes (if steaks are thick) or 3 minutes if cooking thinner cuts. Close grill cover while searing.

Step 6: Flip and sear other side for the same duration.

Step 7: After searing is complete, transfer the cast iron skillet to the oven. Place on the middle rack. Cook steaks in oven for 7 minutes-for medium (add 3 minutes for medium-well).

Step 8: When you have 1 minute left of cook time, place a cut of butter on top of the steaks in the skillet. Allowing that butter melt into the meat.

Step 9: Remove steaks from skillet and let meat rest on cooking sheet or cutting board for 8-10 minutes.

Step 10. Serve and enjoy!

duuude TIP:

Don’t ever cut your steak open with a knife to see if it’s cooked/done. You can use your finger or fork to press the thicket part of the steak to see how much “give” or bounce there is. The more wobbly the steak- the redder it will be.

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