Top 4 Quick Home Haircutting Tips for Self-Grooming Gentlemen

Awesome Tips on Home Hair Cuts for Men in 2021

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Post Presented by: Wise Barber

Self-grooming isn’t just an ordinary activity; it’s an art. So, how good are you at it? Well, this post contains a few awesome tips that every man will appreciate.

Do you know how to cut your own hair? No…? Well, don’t fret because you are not alone. Now, if there’s something these past few months have taught men – it is the need to self-groom at home. With all the lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions in place, some of us haven’t been to a barbershop in ages.

However, that’s not an excuse to look like a caveman; i.e. having long, unkempt hair coupled with a bushy, unruly beard. And that’s why I want to address that today. In this post, I’ll walk you through four of the best home haircutting tips for men. So, without further ado, let’s get down to it.

Polish Your Self-Grooming Skills


Now, it’s possible that you’ve been cutting your hair and tending to your beard for years. So, you have the knowledge and experience needed, right? Well, you should note that regardless of how good you are at something, there’s always a new method, trick, or skill to learn.

Therefore, always spare a few minutes of your day to scour the internet for home hair-cutting tips and tutorials. You’ll be surprised at how many new things you’ll learn about haircutting techniques. And in doing so, you’ll have different perspectives of the whole process. In fact, research helps you to amass all the info you need to formulate an efficient, fast, and convenient grooming routine.


Ensure You Have All the Right Tools

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Do you have the right tools? It’s important to note the home grooming is a multifaceted procedure. And that means that your grooming kit must have tools that are ideal for each stage of the process.

For example, you may be tempted to buy a hair clipper to cut your hair and also trim your beard. Doing so denies you the benefits that come with using a hair trimmer to take care of your beard properly. Simply put, your home haircutting kit should contain:

·       A hair clipper

·       Beard trimmer

·       A Nose and Ear trimmer

·       Styling Scissors

·       Combs and Hairbrush

·       Hair and Beard care products

·       And a nail clipper just to mention a few.


Make Sure You Have a Nicely Set Up Workspace


While it may seem trivial, your grooming space will have a direct effect on the final outcome of your shaves and styling.

Get this; for an easy time cutting and styling your hair, you need to see your head from multiple angles. Because doing a proper haircut with only one mirror is next to impossible. Also, you’ll have a hard time cleaning hair clipping if you cut your hair from just about anywhere in the house.

On the other hand, having a workspace allows you to:

·       Set up multiple and optimally-placed mirrors,

·       Create fast and easy cleaning mechanisms,

·       And store all your tools close enough for fast and convenient home haircuts.

You get my point, right?                                                              


Pay Close Attention to the Products You Use

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Lastly, you need to be cautious about the products you use. This applies to shaving cream, aftershave, and oils for beards. There are also hair care and styling products like spray, pomades, clays, waxes, gels, shampoos, dyes, and creams.

Make sure you buy products that boost your hair/beard’s health and strength; products that improve your appearance without harming your scalp or weakening your hair strands. Here, the goal is to find products made using natural, hair-friendly ingredients.

And that’s a wrap. With these four simple tips, you are well on your way towards improving your home haircutting routine. It’s easy, right?  Well, that’s how it should be

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