Cool Sober Summer: Recess Sparkling Water Review

Take a Recess from the Excess

It is hot AF out right now which can only mean one thing: Summer party time! With any party comes a few classics: Yard Games, Grillin’ + Chillin’ (that needs to be a hat by the way) and cracking a cold one with the crew. But what if you want all the tastes of summer minus the hangover? Ready to level up your chill game without the booze? You have read our prior review on Recess (right, you read it, right?!?) where we highlight their Sparkling Water, but now we are here to share a booze-free alternative—a game-changer for anyone looking to have a sober summer in style. Whether you’re floating on the lake or kicking it at a backyard BBQ, Recess has got your back with their refreshing and oh-so-clean mocktails.

Recess Rundown: TL;DR

Recess isn’t just another sparkling water brand; it’s a vibe. Born out of the desire to offer something more than your average fizzy drink, Recess combines functional ingredients with sparkling water to help you feel calm, cool, and collected. Their motto? “We canned a feeling.” And trust us, it’s a feeling you’ll want to keep around all summer long.

Key Elements That Make Recess a Great Alternative

  1. Functional Ingredients:

    • Adaptogens: Recess drinks are packed with adaptogens like American ginseng, L-theanine, and lemon balm. These natural ingredients help manage stress and keep you in a balanced state of mind, perfect for when you’re trying to relax or keep the party going without the alcohol.

    • Hemp Extract: Some Recess flavors include broad-spectrum hemp extract to promote relaxation without the high. It’s like a gentle hug in a can.

  2. Flavor Varieties:

    • From classics like Margarita, Paloma, Mojito, and Mule, Recess offers a variety of sophisticated flavors that make you feel like you’re sipping on a high-end cocktail- minus the booze-tail. Say goodbye to boring seltzers and hello to taste-bud heaven.

  3. Aesthetic Appeal:

    • Let’s be real: half the fun of summer drinks is how they look. Recess cans are Instagram-worthy with their minimalist, pastel designs. They’re perfect for those candid lake-side shots or capturing the essence of a laid-back summer soirée. Part of the fitting in is looking the part- and with these you can without the hangover.

  4. Low Calorie and Sugar:

    • Each can of Recess is low in calories and sugar, making it a guilt-free indulgence. Enjoy multiple cans without worrying about your summer bod.

Trying Out Their Flavors

Recess “the samplers” is the place to be…

One of the best parts about Recess Sparkling Water is their wide range of flavors that cater to every mood and moment- and taste buds. We decided to dive into three of their most popular samplers: the Zero Proof Sampler, the Paradise Mood Sampler, and the New Mood Sampler. Here's what we discovered on this flavor-packed adventure:

Zero Proof Sampler

We dug the Mojito and the Paloma the most- why? Simply put its less sweet tasting than the Margarita and the Mule. We tend to like less sweet drinks when we “drink”, so the Paloma and Mojito seemed to be the best blend for us. We do though know some peeps who like their drinks sweet- and they would probably prefer the others.

Cocktail Comparison: 8/10 on “hard to tell the difference”

Paradise Mood Sampler

Tropical Bliss and Blood Orange were our top picks. Love the blood Orange flavor- not too sweet but just the right blends. Tropicla Bliss just made us feel light and chill- like we were sitting on the beach kicking it for the weekend.

Cocktail Comparison: 9/10 on “flavor game brought”

Raspberry Lemon is where it is at. This was great, refreshing, and well balanced- the lime was a bit too sweet for us, but again we like more subtle flavors. The nice park- the variety packs offer something for everyone- and nobody feels left out. Win Win.

Cocktail Comparison: 8/10 on “variety for the crew”

Testing these Recess blends were a hit around the office. The flavor was spot on, crispness was there, smooth finish was felt (oh boy was it felt) and the infusions blended here are unlike anything we have ever tasted. We couldn’t believe how much we loved these sparkling waters after the tasting.


  • Calm in a Can: Feel relaxed and stress-free with every sip. It’s like yoga for your taste buds.

  • Flavor Explosion: Each sip is a flavor adventure, transporting you to a tropical island or a zen garden, depending on the flavor you choose.

  • Social Media Darling: Snap, sip, and share your Recess experience. Your followers will want in on the secret to your summer glow.

  • Versatility: Perfect for any occasion—whether you're lounging at the lake, hosting a summer bash, or simply unwinding after a long day.

Overall duuude Factor: Recess is a Great Cocktail Alternative this Summer!


Price: Check Recess for Pricing and Discounted Subcribe and Saves!

***duuude readers take 10% OFF ALL Cans!


8 to 10 Americans report experiencing stress. We made Recess to give you a moment to reset and rebalance...
— Recess

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