

Be “Up” in 15.

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Tackle Desk-All-Day Discomfort with a Lairlux Massage Gun

Loosen up those knots would ya? We have reviewed plenty of massage guns. No joke, it is something we have so many of that each crew member has one on their desk at this point. But- we LOVE massage guns and we continue our quest to review every massage gun by taking a look at the Liarlux Message Gun. Lairlux EM03 is a lightweight, powerful, and multifunctional message gun that can hang with the rest of ‘em.

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Massage Game-Changer: Achedaway Cupping

Achedaway, Keeps the Sore Muscles Away! We have reviewed plenty of massage guns. No joke, it is something we have so many of that each crew member has one on their desk at this point. But- we LOVE massage guns and now, we are feeling even better since we found Achedaway’s Percussion Massager and Cupper combination! Have you ever Cupped before?….we haven’t and are now never looking back.

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Turn Any Picture into a Painting with Paint Your Life

Snapping a photo on your phone or finding an old photo in that tucked away storage bin in the garage- no matter the image, Paint Your Life can turn that picture into a one of a kind, hand painted piece of art with just a few steps. From gift giving to adding a personalized touch to your home or office, a custom hand-painted (and framed if you like) painting can be an amazing way to give life to your photos.

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Pimp Out Any Space with Neon Signs by Sketch and Etch

Custom Neon Signs for Any Occasion with Sketch & Etch. Have you ever wanted to pimp out your home office, mock up your own neon sign for the garage, or thought you needed something branded for your office? We thought the same thing, hence why we are so pumped to find Sketch and Etch.

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No Gym is Complete without Terra-Core

The amount of home gym builds in 2021 skyrocketed to levels we have never seen before- heck even our crew started transforming our office into a workspace/gym, filled with some of the coolest and best home gym equipment on the market. One innovative and standout home (and now seen in professional gyms across the globe) is the Terra Core line of all-in-one body sculpting workout equipment.

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Improve your Gut Health with Viome

Before 2021 we didn’t focus that much on our gut. Sure, we “go with it”, “trust it”, and are often “lead by it”, but how much did we really value what we put in our gut and what flows through our gut? Gut health takes center stage in 2021 as soon much information is coming out about the impacts to our health and immune support that are impacted by our gut.

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Fandom on High-Get Gameday Ready with FOCO

Gear up for Gameday. Football season is back. Are you ready for it? No matter the level of fandom, having the right gear to rep your favorite sports team can mean the difference in bragging rights and team pride. Our crew gears up for football with the one and only site for all things sports: FOCO.

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Chirps' Got Your Back

These days back pain seems to be all up in your business. Wake up: back hurts. Go to work: back hurts. Go relax on the couch- can’t, cause yo’ dang back hurts. Life doesn’t have to be this way and when the crew over at Chirp said “psst take us out for a roll”...we enthusiastically obliged. We were shipped their Chirp Wheel+ to give a go to see if we can say adios to our chiropractor (and back pain).

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ExoGun: The Ultimate Recovery Massage Gun

Sore Muscles Don’t Stand a Chance. Massage guns have hit the market- and what perfect timing. With more and more people working out from home, sitting at their desk, staring at computer screens, and for some- hitting the gym in person again. With all this wear and tear on our bodies, we need something to help relieve muscle tension and get us back at it. Sore muscles no longer stand a chance- with the ExoGun Recovery Massage Gun.

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Hydragun: Game Changing Massage Gun

Mom, we’re in love. It finally happened for us! Yup, her name is HYDRAGUN and she’s the sleekest, sexiest, and coolest massage gun on the market. Hits in all the right places, always around after a tough workout, and knows how to take care of a duuude. She sure is the best we’ve found and is a real keeper. Wait- what did you think we were talking about? Oh, whoops we see how that was misleading. What we really wanted to talk about was quite possibly the only massage gun worth grabbing this year- the HYDRAGUN.

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Upgrade your Home Office with Canvaspop

CanvasPop is a company that takes your photos, images, or artwork and transforms them into awesome canvases turning any space in the whatever vibe you want. With just a few simple clicks, uploads of images, and sizing specifications you can have some legit canvases shipped directly to your door for the instant office upgrade you’ve been looking for. Our very own crew tried CanvasPop to see if we could add some pop to our office space.

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Gain the Edge with BioZoom Edge

The BioZoom Edge is a thoughtfully-designed massage gun (or “percussion massager” if you’re fancy) that makes the most of modern technology. In concert with the Addaday app (iOS, Google Play), the Edge is a serious therapy device that makes it seriously easy to treat muscle pain and augment your workouts.

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Best Massage Guns in 2020

Do you even lift bro? Do you even run bro? Do you hate us asking this? Yeah- look, if you use any muscles for any activity than you know the pain and discomfort that can come from sore, tight, and over-used muscles. Nobody has time for that. In 2020 there are more solutions to help speed up recovery and help reduce the soreness and discomfort of muscle pain. Enter the Massage Gun.

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Propane Delivery made easy with Cynch

Nothing is worse than firing up the grill and halfway through cooking those epic ribs-you run out of propane. Been there and done that! Don’t flinch (see what we’re doing here)- go with a fast way to get full propane tanks delivered right to your door! The days of remembering when the propane was purchased, where to swap a tank out for the best price, and hauling that half empty propane filled rocket in your car clanging around the trunk are over!

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DIY Home Gym on a Budget

It’s no longer expensive gym memberships you don’t use, personal trainer classes that start at a mortgage payment size deposit that you never seem to attend, or taking a Zoom class (because we are all OVER Zoom and Skype meetings these days). It’s all about working out from home- turning the garage, backyard, or home office into your beast mode headquarters. Our list shows you how to build a gym at home- well under $300

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Chirp, Chirp, back pain gone.